Gene Chapman Letter to Request Noah's Ark Excavation Site 1 foot Dig Permit

Gene K. Chapman P. O. Box 12003 Fort Worth, Texas 76110 USA October 12, 2021 Ebumuhsin BULUT il Muduru Agri il Kultur re Turizm Firat Mah. Erzurum Cad.Valilik Hizmet Binasi K:5, Kazimkarabekir, Agri Merkez, Agri, Turkey Dear Sir: About 45 minutes ago, two little old ladies asked me to touch them on the arm in the hope of receiving a blessing from God. I giggled a bit and did as they asked, but part of me knows that their faith benefitted from that touch. It was more than giggles. It's God's serious work here on earth. You see, on June 16, 2021, I measured the Noah's Ark Excavation Site with Andrew Jones. He did a superb job throughout my visit, and we got a good measurement of 515 feet with about 2 feet of variance for the substantial mud that is on the bow of the ship. After the measurement, I followed Andrew around the right rear of the ship to the "Deformed" section where I saw what appears to be a 4"x4" petrified wood piece protruding and attached hard to something inside the Excavation Site. The theory is that my right hand might well be the first human hand to touch Noah's Ark Proper (not just a piece, but the Ark itself) in over 4,000 years. I'm a common truck driver who's spent 27 years alone with God in a truck. Like a tiny mouse in a cave with a Giant King, I've watched God and learned his moods. His mood is to do this simple thing that I ask on His behalf. I'm not rich, and this discovery is the biggest thing that will ever happen to my humble family. I would like your permission to take a tablespoon to the "Gene Chapman Find" and dig 1 foot in past where it protrudes now to see what is found? I'm not trying to dig up the whole Ark, but I do need to see if more Ark is right under the surface. My Bible tells me that I am to "obey every ordinance of man" (I Peter 2:13). I can assure you that it is my religion to obey your exact instruction, Sir, to the letter. I think the world would benefit greatly from a simple 1 foot dig at my find. Most respectfully, Gene K. Chapman


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