4 Stop Ron Wyatt Verification Tour, October 2022

 We are now in discussions to do a "4 Stop Ron Wyatt Verification Tour."  

Stop #1)  Examine the three entrances to the Ark of the Covenant with the Blood Christ claim in Jerusalem.  Ron Wyatt's boldest claim was that he spent substantial time with the Ark of the Covenant under the cross hole of Christ and had professional tests on the blood indicating that it belonged to Jesus Christ.  The test results are believed to be with the Ark of the Covenant for future discovery and verification.  

Stop #2)  Pick up brimstone and ash from Sodom for display at the library.  

Stop #3)  Examine what will be required to film the Moses Crossing of the Red Sea down to 850 meters, and film it, if possible. 

Stop #4)  Verify the Mt. Sinai in Arabia site. 

Gene K. Chapman, Executor

Christian Apologetics Library of Fort Worth

P. O. Box 12003

Fort Worth, Texas 76110



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